Centre Avenue

The Great Return of the Hill

Conceived in collaboration with local Hill community members and their allies and produced by Yancey Consulting (YC), this report maps viable recommendations to activate the Hill District's Centre Avenue as a thriving Black cultural and commercial corridor.
Across the years, multiple generative studies have been produced that map the needed and ongoing (re)development of the Hill District. This report is not intended to duplicate or be redundant to the existing plans but to weave ideas that most resonate with Hill District community members at this time and offer up a viable road map of activating Centre Ave and surrounding areas as a Black cultural and commercial corridor in the short to long term. The recommendations are born out of a framework that emerged from conversations with community members. When inquired about and unraveled through dialogue, a proposed mixture of experiences, basic services, safe havens, businesses, intergenerational social gathering spaces, green spaces, learning centers, food spaces, health and wellness spaces, real estate, and entertainment venues was needed to bring a thriving commerce to the Hill. We also learned in this process that this activation plan, although stewarded by the Hill CDC, is not only about the Hill CDC. It's about the Hill--not any one institution. A thriving Black cultural and commercial community can only manifest when many come together to advance a shared vision and agenda.
An African proverb reveals, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." These recommendations recognize and enjoin a collective buy-in. They are designed for every representation within the Hill to see themselves participating. You will see many activations in this report that suggest partnerships and various ways for members of this incredible Hill community to come together.

Recognized by AIA Pittsburgh, the Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan is a state-of-the-art community redevelopment plan that the Hill CDC stewarded and continues to implement on a daily basis.

View the Plan Here

- View Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan








The Centre Avenue Corridor journeys through the heart of the Hill District serving as the main street, the hub of commercial activity, and the core of community investment. Its continued use and collective growth will emphasize the integrity and character of the Hill District’s social fabric. Presently, the Centre Avenue Corridor has garnered ample consideration through diverse collaborations, i.e., funding via the Design Center of Pittsburgh; and UDream, technical partners of the Hill CDC and urban fellows in various design professions.

Future In The Making

After receiving funding from the Design Center of Pittsburgh, the Hill CDC issued a Redevelopment and Design RFP to further implementation and investment strategies along Centre Avenue connecting Crawford Street to Dinwiddie Street to Reed Street. After careful deliberation of various firms, the Steering Committee selected evolveEA, who offered the most critical plan of action to further this unique development opportunity. The process led to extensive community engagement and encouraged in-depth community-participation. The Steering Committee of community stakeholder met with the selected consultants to review project goals and clearly define community process. The Hill CDC and Steering Committee completed the plan in the Winter of 2015.


Centre Avenue RFP One Page Flyer .pdf


Members of the Centre Ave Steering Committee

A Steering Committee of Hill District residents, business owners, and stakeholders convened to direct the RFP process, establish project goals, select the Redevelopment and Design consultant to reflect the community’s values and culture, and direct the community process.

City Councilman Daniel Lavelle

City Planning

Design Center of Pittsburgh

Hill Community Development Corporation

Hill District Consensus Group

Hill District Minister’s Alliance

Hill House Association

Historic Hill Institute

Lower Hill Working Group

Mayor’s Office

New Hill District Business Association

Thelma Lovette YMCA

Ujamaa Collective

Urban Innovation 21

Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh



Plan of Action.pdf


The Community selected the name Centreflow to brand the redevelopment design process.  
Community Identity Workshops and an interactive MindMixer website were tools used as part of Centreflow.
The process is outlined below:

Community Meeting #1: Assets & Aspirations .pdf

Check out the Centre Ave Passport the community used to travel into the future of the Centre Avenue Corridor!

Community Meeting #2: Business District Benchmarking .pdf

See the New York Times Headline and Activity Toolkit the community envisioned would catapult Centre Avenue as a national melting pot.

Community Meeting #3: Evaluate Design Scenarios .pdf

Analyze the Place Map the community employed to assess Centre Avenue's development potential as a neighborhood draw and as a regional draw.

Check out the Centre Ave District Passport the community used to assess district identity for Centre Avenue as an arts & entertainment district and civic district!



Attention Community Stakeholders:

  • Did you miss the Centre Ave Kickoff meeting on Sept. 16th?
  • Or want more info about benchmarking for the Centre Avenue corridor?
  • Did you forget to turn in your passport?
  • Do you want to join this meaningful conversation about the future of The Hill District's Centre Avenue?

Well, here's your chance to Discover Great Ideas, Gather Valuable Feedback, and Measure the Impact of this Project; and it can all be done REMOTELY!!!

Join the CENTREflow conversation on Mindmixer! 



Over a five week period, UDream, technical partner of Hill CDC, researched, identified, analyzed and envisioned diverse project concepts and best practices in green affordable housing and community design along the corridor (beyond Reed Street). Each project concept – Artist housing space, Live/Work space, Multi-generational living, Stop & Stay space, and Articulating Hill District Character spatially –explored its urban design feasibility within the existing context and in alignment with tenets of the Greater Hill District Master Plan. Project concepts were chosen because of a realized need within the Hill District and market trends. UDream fellows have concluded their preliminary findings and presented them to the community on September 16th; and evolveEA will incorporate the preliminary findings and community feedback into the redevelopment design plan.


Centre Ave UDream One Page Flyer .pdf

Preliminary Findings from UDream .pdf

Community Presentation .pdf




Centre Avenue Activation projects that followed the completion of the planning process:


An Evening On The Ave


August On The Ave



On February 20, 2015, the Hill CDC hosted An Evening On The Ave, inviting everyone to come out and experience the Centre of It All!!

The Kaufmann Center was transformed into an interactive walk-thru of shops and stations, where everyone could grab a bite to eat, enjoy live entertainment, interact with local artists, buy a gift for someone special or just mingle with family and friends. 

The experience offered the opportunity to reflect on the past and catch a glimpse of the future of Centre Avenue.



Click to support the CENTRE Avenue Campaign, or visit  https://www.crowdrise.com/centreavecamp.

Your support will energize the re-emergence of Centre Avenue in the Hill District.

The "CENTRE Avenue: a collision of commerce, culture and innovation!" fund will advance initiatives that foster economic vitality and directly impact the corridor, e.g., real estate & economic development, streetscape, restoration & legacy, marketing & cultural advocacy, and corridor resources for residents, visitors, businesses and developers).