RCO Advocacy

In 2017, the Department of City Planning completed a two-year community engagement process which led to the introduction of a city-wide ordinance that establishes requirements and benefits for community organizations. The stated purpose of the Ordinance is to "obtain informed and inclusive participation from as many neighborhood stakeholders as possible." Despite serious concerns expressed by community organizations affected by the Ordinance, the City passed SS178E titled "Registered Community Organizations" in September 2018. This vote amended the Pittsburgh Code Title One: Administrative, Article IX: Boards, Commissions, and Authorities, thereby creating a Registered Community Organization (RCO) status.

Since then, a growing coalition of organizations, including the Hill Community Development Corporation (Hill CDC), Black Political Empowerment Project (B-PEP), Hill District Consensus Group (HDCG), Pittsburgh UNITED, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council, Coalition of Organized Residents of East Liberty (CORE), Homewood Concerned Citizens Council (HCCC), and California-Kirkbride Neighbors, has been working to raise awareness about and revise the ordinance to assure equity for all.

Please see a timeline below of our efforts, as well as links to the legislation, the letter the Hill CDC sent to the Mayor's Office and City Council, and the coalition's public statement.

If you are interested in joining our coalition or learning more about our RCO advocacy activities, please reach out to the Hill CDC's policy department at policy [at] hilldistrict.org (subject: RCO%20Advocacy) .


September 2018 - City Council passed the RCO ordinance

November 14, 2018 - Hill CDC sent a letter to the Mayor's Office and all City Council Members expressing our concerns and inviting them to attend a citywide conversation

November 19, 2018 - Hill CDC hosted a citywide conversation about the RCO ordinance where approximately 40 community representatives and residents attended

May 18, 2019 - Hill CDC released a Public Statement from the coalition

May 20, 2019 - Conversation with Councilwoman Gross (Chair of the Land Use and Economic Development Committee) who introduced the legislation, who informed us the legislation was a directive from the Mayor's Office

June 7, 2019 - Coalition members met with Chief Gilman and Councilman Lavelle to begin to work towards a more equitable RCO ordinance

PDF icon Background Legislation602.77 KB
PDF icon RCO Letter224.53 KB
PDF icon RCO Ordinance191.03 KB
PDF icon RCO Public Statement227.78 KB