Proposed Development Intake Form

Please submit proposed development plans through this form to begin the Development Review Panel (DRP) process. Submitted plans will go through an initial review by the Hill CDC and then be transferred to the DRP for formal review. 

This process will ensure that development in the Hill District moves forward with transparency and is well received by the community in the early stages. If you have questions about the review process, the community master plan, or development within the Hill District, please call the Hill CDC at 412-765-1820, or email us at policy [at] If you haven't heard back in 48 hours business days please contact policy [at] If you haven't heard back in 48 hours business days please contact us.  Thank you for your partnership and we look forward to working together to redevelop the Hill District.

In order for your submission to be received and reviewed in a timely manner, please include an executive summary.

For more information about the DRP, please go here