Workforce Wednesdays
The Hill CDC is excited to provide construction-related job opportunities in its current and future developments. We are committed to easy access to information so residents and interested workers have an on-site resource hub.
Starting this Wednesday, the Hill CDC, in partnership with Mistick Construction, will offer onsite consultations, interviews and job resources. Mistick Construction is the General Contractor for the New Granada Apartments and Retail development. The Hill CDC is pairing its community-rooted approach with Mistick’s 65 years of experience. We are pleased to work with Mistick on maximizing not only MWBE business opportunities, but also minority and local/first source hiring opportunities. The New Granada Apartments and Retail are slated for over 40% MBE and over 15% WBE participation.
Every Wednesday from 2:00 – 4:00 PM, Roxanne Thomas will be on site at the Hill CDC offices, located at 2015 Centre Avenue 2nd Floor, to interview and provide applications for construction jobs on the project. Check out the flyer below for more details and click the button to request an appointment.
Looking for a new career or job?
Try these job websites:
- Careerlink Pittsburgh
- Allegheny County
- City of Pittsburgh
- Partner for Work
- Bidwell Training Center
- Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) Community Training and Development Program
- ACHIEVA: Community Employment And Employment-Related Services
- Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh
- The Program for Offenders, Inc.