The Greater Hill District Master Plan defines the vision for future growth and regeneration of the neighborhood. The plan expresses the community’s aspirations for an improved quality of life and defines goals for new investment and development. It informs prospective investors and developers about the community’s priorities for new residential, commercial, cultural, and civic development in the Hill and directs them to new community-supported development opportunities that exist throughout the Hill. The master plan provides the community with a framework to direct public, private, and institutional resources in supporting new projects in the Hill. To that end, the Hill CDC is involved in numerous committees and task forces to create and implement city-wide policies. Our policy work aims to create sustainable strategies for the long term goals of the Greater Hill District Master Plan for the benefit of Hill District residents.
The Hill Community Development Corporation has been working with Hill District partners since 1987 to coordinate future development towards the revitalization and regeneration of the Hill District community. In 2011, the neighborhood collectively completed the Greater Hill District Master Plan. In the Greater Hill District Master Plan, initiatives were established to make the Hill District a green and well-designed community, ensuring a sustainable and high-quality design for green connections, recreational spaces, and open spaces for its residents.
Hill District Plans
This timeline highlights some of the major neighborhood planning initiatives that have occurred in the last two decades. As the Hill District continues to grow, it is important to ensure opportunities are tailored to address the desires of our community’s residents. This page contains the numerous plans and studies completed over time which guide the work of the Hill CDC […]
Development Review Panel
Welcome to the Hill District’s unified community development review process! Proposed development plans for the Greater Hill District can be submitted through this website to begin the Development Review Panel (DRP) process. Submitted plans will go through a preliminary review by the Hill CDC and will then be transferred to the DRP Committee to begin the formal review. This process […]
Commercial Redevelopment Task Force (CRTF)
About The Commercial Redevelopment Task Force (CRTF) was established in May 2018 by the Hill CDC with Councilman Daniel Lavelle to bring together the financial community, technicians, and community development actors to align resources and coordination of technical agents to facilitate commercial revitalization in the Hill District. The CRTF’s work is guided by community plans such as the Greater Hill […]
Lower Hill Community Collaboration and Implementation Plan (CCIP)
The Community Collaboration and Implementation Plan (CCIP) is an agreement to address many community concerns articulated by the residents and stakeholders of the Hill District community in the redevelopment of the Lower Hill District 28-acre site. The document reflects the following issues, as well as establishing an agreement to create the largest and most flexible tax financing area in the […]
RCO Advocacy
In 2017, the Department of City Planning completed a two-year community engagement process which led to the introduction of a city-wide ordinance that establishes requirements and benefits for community organizations. The stated purpose of the Ordinance is to “obtain informed and inclusive participation from as many neighborhood stakeholders as possible.” Despite serious concerns expressed by community organizations affected by the […]
Registered Community Organization (RCO)
Your Neighborhood RCO: The Hill CDC is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) for the Greater Hill District, the boundaries of which are defined by the Greater Hill District Master Plan (GHDMP), and both staffs and facilitates the unified and endorsed community review process for the Greater Hill District neighborhood, the Development Review Panel (DRP). Per the RCO Ordinance, the DRP […]