The Hill CDC began researching and analyzing the concept of the Community Land Trusts (CLT) in February 2014, primarily as a response to the proposed land bank legislation. Affordable housing was already a priority of the Greater Hill District community, but with the introduction of land bank legislation, the Hill CDC recognized the urgency of exploring concepts and practices that could create systems of permanent affordability and displacement prevention.
The Hill CLT is a tool to implement the Greater Hill District Master Plan, specifically to combat gentrification and displacement. Unlike other CLTs, the Hill CLT will (1) serve as both a land trust, to preserve affordability, and a land bank, to acquire and dispose of land, to create economic opportunities for the Hill District community in the interim and long term; and (2) acquire and dispose of both residential and commercial property. The Hill CLT is the first CLT in a predominately Black neighborhood in the City of Pittsburgh.
Hill CLT Steering Committee (2018 - Current)
Coming soon...
Hill CLT Exploratory Committee (2014)
The CLT Exploratory Committee consisted of Greater Hill District organizations and community leaders, as well as representatives from public and non-profit agencies throughout the city. The Community Land Trust (CLT) Exploratory Committee analyzed and discussed models, concepts, and applications of CLTs. The Exploratory Committee advised on feasibility; analyzed local housing data to assess applicability; identified all opportunities and any obstacles that could potentially arise.
The Committee completed its work and a final plan was published. The final plan and other process documents can be downloaded by clicking the links below.
Documents | Size |
Community Land Trust Infographic | 445.94 KB |
Hill District Community Land Trust Principles | 462.18 KB |
Hill District Community Land Trust - Exploratory Cmte Final Report | 222.6 KB |
Community Land Trust in Weak Markets | 125.43 KB |
Community Land Trust(CLT) - Hill CDC Meeting | 114.07 KB |
Community Land Trust(CLT) - Hill CDC Meeting | 116.71 KB |
Community Land Trust(CLT) - Hill CDC Meeting | 102.11 KB |
Community Land Trust(CLT) - HillCDC Meeting | 111.16 KB |