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Are you looking for the Hill CDC’s Media and Communications page? The section below features the latest updates via our email and social media platforms!
Recent Updates
03/08/2025 - 🔔Summer Lee Town Hall, Ammon, Medicaid & More!
03/01/2025 - 🔥 Community Mtg Re-cap, Somers Drive, Summer Lee!
02/15/2025 - 👉Important Community Mtg on Feb 25th - Register!
02/09/2025 - 🥳 Surprising Marimba, Welcoming New Pastor, More!
02/02/2025 - ✊🏾Celebrate Black History Month!
01/25/2025 - 🌆Gettin’ IZy Wit’ It! This Tuesday!
01/19/2025 - 🔔MLK Holiday, More RCO Issues, Etc!
01/11/2025 - 🆘Wildfire in the Black Community, JOBS, Walk of Fame
12/22/2024 - 🎁Holidays, Live Nation Passes DRP, Jobs!
12/07/2024 - 📢🎄Wednesday - Cmty Mtg & Holiday Fun at Hill House!
11/02/2024 - 👻😳 Don’t BOO - VOTE this TUESDAY!
10/27/2024 - 💰$600M Downtown Plan Announced, Hill-O-Ween, More!
10/19/2024 - 🧐‼️Who will represent the Hill District?
10/12/2024 - 👩🏾💻Tech Week comes to the Hill District!
10/05/2024 - 🚍PRT Proposes new Hill District Bus Route!
09/21/2024 - ⚒️Hill CDC, PHDC, URA move Bedford project forward.
08/03/2024 - 👉August is Black Business Month!
07/28/2024 - 👀Live Nation approved, Community pushes for benefits
07/21/2024 - 🔔Gainey & URA Remove 'For Sale' Signs & More!
07/13/2024 - 🚩Are the Curtains Closing? Hill District For-Sale?
06/29/2024 - 🏫PPS Town Hall, Juneteenth Postponed to Sunday!
06/15/2024 - 👑Father's Day, Juneteenth, Community Living Room
06/06/2024 - 📢 Today! Hill District Community Meeting
05/25/2024 - 🤭Is the Hill District 'For The Streets'?!