Bi Monthly Hill District Plans Update Meeting

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 10:00am

The Hill CDC has taken the leadership to work with City Planning and the other appropriate agencies to coordinate these planning processes. Our goal is to make sure the community engagement related to these initiatives is streamlined and efficient so that the community is properly and sufficiently engaged on each of these items without repetition that could lead to disengagement and burn out.

As a result of our advocacy, we were able to secure bi-monthly community meetings with the appropriate agencies and project managers to give you an opportunity to be informed about these different processes, how you can get engaged, and ask any questions you may have.

It is critical that you attend, as well as bring your neighbors, family, and friends. These plans will determine the future development of the Hill District.

We look forward to seeing you all!

Register and join the call via the links below.

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Join the Zoom call here!