Ujamaa's Community Cookout

Saturday, September 28, 2013 - 12:00pm to 6:00pm
Corner of Bedford Ave. & Francis St. Pgh, PA 15219
Ujamaa Collective Community Cookout

Farm in the Hill District, Bedford Ave and Francis Street
(Housing Authority City of Pittsburgh property...Old site of public housing units, closest to Herron Ave entrance.)

We plan for this event to be a fun way to connect and share with organizations and individuals that are doing work in the African/African American community in the Hill and across the city.

It's potluck style- folks can bring a grill to cook on site, prepared dishes, beverages, etc. Ujamaa will provide some food, seating, tables and tents, but depending on a large turnout, suggest others do the same. We plan to have music playing, but invite anyone to bring instruments, poetry, and songs for sharing. A drum circle is also expected throughout the day! There will also be time offered for organizations to share information and upcoming events with each other as well.