Today at 2:15pm! Hill District featured at National Trust Conference!

Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm

The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s annual conference, PastForward is happening now!  You can be a part of the important discussions and dialogues taking place at this year’s Washington DC conference as a virtual attendee. Live streaming is FREE and can be done from the comfort of your home or the convenience of your office.

Marimba Milliones, President and CEO of the Hill CDC will be part of the TrustLive: preservationURBAN session today - Thursday, November 5, 2:15 -3:15pm EST.

preservationURBAN explores the next generation of tools and solutions for preservation in the urban environment with particular focus on property redevelopment, creative financing, and Main Street approaches.

Sign up as a virtual attendee, and join in the real-time discussions for the entire conference via social media at

Click here at 2:15pm EST if you have problems accessing the live stream through the above link.

This year’s live streaming programming will also focus on federal innovation and excellence in historic preservation, telling a more inclusive story of preservation by featuring multiple voices and experiences, and launching a rich and engaging discussion about the future as we approach the 50th anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act.

National Historic Trust

#PastForward @SavePlacesLive @myhilldistrict