Public Wifi

Monday, September 26, 2016 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
2510 Centre Ave.

Build Public WiFi!

Take ownership of your community.
Learn IT skills.  Get involved in something bigger than
yourself.  Whatever your reason, the Hill CDC and Meta
Mesh Wireless Communities invite you to help install
a WiFi radio at a different location each Monday at
6:30 pm.

An instructor will teach you to:

-plan the installation
-work safely on a ladder
-make an Ethernet cable
-use a hammer drill
-make sure the WiFi device has Internet
-Check back each TUESDAY at this or one of the
locations below for the upcoming installation site
-There is no fee to participate
-Water will be provided
-Wear appropriate,covered shoes or boots and work clothes
-All work will end by 8 pm.