Penguins' Lower Hill Meeting

Thursday, November 13, 2014 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Consol Energy Center 1001 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219

The Penguins will hold its 4th Lower Hill Community Meeting for the public to review the plans that they will be presented to the Planning Commision; which will take place on Tue 11/18/14 at 2:00PM; 200 Ross Street First Floor.

The proposed redevelopment plan of the Lower Hill District is now available for public review. The 28-acre site bounded by Centre Avenue, Crawford Street, Bedford Avenue, and Chatham Street (plus the site of the Consol Energy Center) is proposed to be transformed into a mixed-use development with a new street grid. To accomplish this, a new Specially Planned zoning district (SP-11) is proposed.