Hive Pittsburgh Maker Party

Saturday, August 10, 2013 - 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Baker Square 6426 Penn Ave. Pgh, PA 15206

Celebrate the end of our summer learning programs in Bakery Square with Hive Pittsburgh!

The end of Hive Days of Summer is coming and we're celebrating in a big way. On August 10th at The TechShop in Bakery Square, Hive Pittsburgh is hosting a huge maker party in partnership with The MacArthur Foundation, American Eagle, and The Grable Foundation featuring live music, food, and hands-on activities for teens and their families from all over the city.

Celebrate the summer of learning with Hive and all of our friends!

Hands-on Maker Activities
Interactive Learning Stations
Live Music & Free BBQ
Dig in to live music, free food, and all kinds of creative action in one of the coolest lab spaces in Pittsburgh.

You'll get to learn about technology and make things while eating barbecue and listening to sweet jams-what could be a better end to summer?

It's an afternoon of food, fun and fab, and you're invited!

RSVP via Facebook or EventBrite to let us know you're coming