Collaborative Impact Univ. Prep

Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
3117 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Please save the date of Wednesday, March 2 from 5:30 - 8:00 pm for a community meeting where you will hear about the collaborative planning that is taking place for next school year at University Prep, give input on the ideas, and let us know how you fit into the plan. We will meet at Milliones University Prep.

Please RSVP to Jeanne McMullen at 412-529-3600 or jmcmullen1 [at] pghboe.netso that we can plan appropriately. Dinner will be provided.

Many of you helped begin this work back in June, and we are looking forward to updating you on what has occurred through the Collective Impact process since then. We sincerely apologize for the short notice; we have just finalized the framework and would like to incorporate your input before we present to the PPS Board on March 8.

We look forward to your RSVP.