BMe Leadership Award

Friday, March 27, 2015 - 11:50pm



BMe Leadership Award

Deadline: March 27, 2015


The BMe Leader Award is a special honor for everyday black men whose authenticity and commitment to helping others inspires. These men, known as BMe Leaders, embody BMe’s mission of building caring and prosperous communities, inspired by black men. They lead by example and work with others for the common good.



Nominees must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Applicant must be 18 years of age or older;
  • Applicant must be a Black male;
  • Applicant's efforts must benefit people within the city limits of Pittsburgh. 


BMe Leader Qualities

We all know black men who possess the following qualities we look for in a BMe Leader.

  • Authenticity: Applicant is a genuine and trusted person;
  • Commitment: He is deeply, personally committed to strengthening community;
  • Leadership: He is willing to take initiative and works well with others;
  • And Compelling Story: He has an inspiring personal story as well.


Nominate someone you know!

Tell us about a Black man you know whom you would like to be recognized for the good things he does. You may also nominate yourself.

We will use the information you've provided to contact the nominee. When he accepts your nomination he becomes part of the BMe Community and will have access to information and opportunities for uplifting guys like him.


For more information:


Upcoming Event: 

BMe Pittsburgh Network Happy Hour