BizU Training Workshops

Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 9:00am to 4:30pm
2015 Centre Ave. Pgh, PA 15219 (1st Fl. Business Center)

BizU Training Workshops

The Hill CDC in partnership with Citizens Bank, Urban Innovation 21 and Diversity Business Resource Center are providing business services to entrepreneurs and established business that are seeking to set up shop in the Hill District.

MWDBE Certification workshops will be held by appointment only on Thursday, July 17th from 9:00AM to 12:00PM.

BizU - Fist Floor Business Center

  • Business Start-up Training
  • Business Financing Training
  • MWDBE Certification Workshops

For further info contact Marlene Landrum at 412.765.1820 or via mlandrum [at]