Michelle Watson


Michelle Watson

Real Estate Development Consultant

Michelle Watson is a Real Estate Consultant with the Hill CDC. In this role, she adds to the capacity of the Hill CDC's real estate team by supporting residential + commercial redevelopment projects. Prior to this position, Michelle worked in the Real Estate Divisions of major corporations such as GNC where she was a lease administrator for 500 stores and rue21 as a real estate analyst for over 1200 stores. She has 10+ years of corporate real estate experience.

As a dynamic self-starter, Michelle was an entrepreneur before she entered the corporate world. She founded, operated, and expanded her own real estate development company. She renovates distressed properties in transitioning neighborhoods. Michelle loves all things Real Estate! The success of her company and her love of property and development motivated her to expand what she offers. In 2018, she decided to become a licensed realtor in the state of Pennsylvania.

As a 3rd generation resident of the Hill District, Michelle is passionate about the future growth and development of the community. Her enthusiasm for the future of the Hill District is balanced with a commitment to uplift the community by utilizing her skills to help Hill residents create generational wealth through home and business ownership.


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