Parking Lot Rehabilitiation

Parking Lot Rehabilitiation
Development Address: 
118 Stevenson Street
Aligns with Master Plan
Duquesne University
Project Status: 
Development Category: 
Community Services

January 2024

Maria Kyriacopoulos submitted this project on behalf of Duquesne University's Mark Minoski. This project intends to rehabilitate the parking lot at the corner of Forbes and Stevenson St. that served the former Life'sWork building. Staff and students visiting the College of Osteopathic Medicine will be able to use this parking lot.

The design incorporates 27 parking spaces, lighting, safety telecom stations, and ramps for ADA access. Compliant with the City of Pittsburgh stormwater management requirements pervious pavement will be used in a section of the paved area.

February 2024

The project was reviewed by the DRP committee members and they voted to extend an invitation for a formal presentation.

March 2024

Maria presented the parking lot design plans to the DRP and answered their questions relative to accessibility and sustainable landscaping. It recieved a passing score of 90% - A.

The project has sufficient alignment with the neighborhood Master Plan so it will now go before the residents of the community at our next quarterly meeting in June.

June 2024

The development team presented their project at the quarterly community meeting held on June 6th. Following the presentation attending residents and those watching virtually were able to score the project. The community score was a 69% - D. Community feedback focused on the lack of benefits to the neighborhood and engagement of local MBEs.

This resulted in a cumulative DRP score of 80% - B. This indicates that the plan sufficiently aligns with the Greater Hill District Master Plan and has received community support. A letter of support from the Hill CDC was drafted and sent on June 18th, which you can read using the link below.

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